TREON113 |
Oasis perform live at the Gleneagles Hotel Sony Seminar (Sony Music Conference), Perth, Scotland 9th March 1994.
After I downloaded a very poor quality bootleg of this performance I set out to find a higher quality source. I knew that a few of these tracks have been released offically on various formats over the years so I thought my best bet would be to splice the performance together from serveral different sources. I then found an unlisted video on the Oasis Youtube channel which contained an intro (this video can be viewed below). To my surprise the gentleman at the beginning mentions Jeff Buckley which lead me to find out if the Jeff Buckley performance I had from Gleneagles (dated as 3rd September 1994) was in fact from the same Sony Seminar as this one.
This Oasis performance as a history of being misdated. The first instance is the single
Live Forever where the live version of
Supersonic is simply labelled as "Live April '94". The second example is on the
Cigarettes & Alcohol where
I Am The Walrus was intentionally mislabelled as
Live at Glasgow Cathouse June 94. The performance was actually recorded during a rehearsal for the Gleneagles Hotel appearance but even though the band loved this particular recording they were mortified to learn
that it was made during a corporate event. The band
instead picked a venue from their tour schedule at which they had
performed a similar sounding version, and added crowd noise taken from a
Faces bootleg CD, in a bid to make it seem like an authentic tour recording.
I believe that is was this small piece of mis-information lead to the an
Amazon Exlusive EP wrongly being dated as
June '94. This performance has since been dated as 6th February 1994, which is widely believed to be correct.
Now knowing that not only was Jeff Buckley there at the event but he actually performed just before Oasis did, the 6th February date is thrown out of the window as Jeff was in
Chicago with his Live At Sin-e tour at that time. I also discovered an artical in Billboard Magazine (dated 23rd April 1994) confirming that the Sony Music Conference that was held at the Gleneagle Hotel occurred between the 7th and the 11th of March. Now came the test; could I find the Oasis performance wrongly labelled as the 3rd September like the Jeff Buckley one... and I did. The 9th March 1994 is still and educated guess but all the evidence seems to point to that date.
It was while searching for date info that I stubbled across a Jeff Buckley performance I had not heard before (posted last week) which was a really exciting find. I also found what you can download below, I'm not sure of its origins but it does appear to be an excellent soundboard recording from a different source than what can be found on official releases.
01 - Intro
02 - Shakermaker
03 - Bring It On Down
04 - Digsy's Dinner
05 - Live Forever
06 - Cigarettes & Alcohol
07 - Supersonic
Password: OasisGleneagles