Diane Luckey (1960-2022), known professionally as Q Lazzarus. A mysterious singer who is most well-known for the song "Goodbye Horses," which featured first in the 1988 film Married To The Mob and then again (and most famously) in the 1991 film The Silence Of The Lambs. She has also contributed music to the films Philadelphia and Something Wild. To this day, not much is known about her or her backing band, but Goodbye Horses has become a cult classic.
This collections is made up of two singles; tracks found on the original 1991 12" Single and 2017 Goodbye Horses EP. Track four is taken from the compilation Retro:Active2 (Rare & Remixed) which was released in 2004. I far as I can tell this is the first time the Extended Version appeared on CD (it also featured on the soundtrack to Clarks II but not until 2006). It has a different sound to the source used for track one (I suspect track one is a remaster or a new source as it's the clearest version I've heard to date). Track four sounds like it may have been a rip from the 12" Single.
01 - Goodbye Horses (Extended Version #1)
02 - Goodbye Horses (7'' Version)
03 - White Lines (B-side)
04 - Goodbye Horses (Extended Version #2)
05 - Goodbye Horses (Single Edit)
06 - Goodbye Horses (Demo 1)
07 - Goodbye Horses (Demo 2)
08 - Tears of Fear (Demo)
09 - Transformation (Demo)
10 - Love Dance (Demo)
Password: TREON282
Wow thanks for this! I visit regularly but don’t share enough from you but this I will for sure. Great find! Thanks so much
ReplyDeleteThank you.
DeleteThanks, I am not familiar with this but I will give it a listen.
ReplyDeleteMuchisimas gracias¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
ReplyDeleteThank you very much !